The Decline of Customer Service in the UK
Hayley Partridge Hayley Partridge

The Decline of Customer Service in the UK

Did you know that customer satisfaction in the UK has plummeted to its lowest level since 2015? This alarming trend is costing the UK economy a staggering £7.1 billion monthly in lost productivity.

But it's not all doom and gloom. Our latest blog post reveals:

• The true cost of poor customer service

• Why marketing alone isn't enough

• How a 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by up to 95%

• A case study showing 524% ROI on customer service training

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Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness Through Psychometric Testing
Hayley Partridge Hayley Partridge

Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness Through Psychometric Testing

Imagine having a scientific tool that helps you understand your team better and drives tangible business results.

Underpinned by science and technology, our advanced Psychometric Profiling offers just that!

Discover how these assessments can enhance your leadership effectiveness by:

✅ Tailoring communication for better engagement

✅ Resolving conflicts with empathy

✅ Building diverse, high-performing teams

✅ Fostering a culture of continuous improvement

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Common behaviours that kill company culture…</span>
James Pointon James Pointon

Common behaviours that kill company culture…

Imagine a workplace where stress is the norm, communication is a guessing game, and employees feel undervalued and overworked. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many organizations today, where toxic behaviors have become so ingrained that they are often overlooked or accepted as part of corporate life. But what if we told you that these behaviors not only harm your employees but also stifle innovation and hinder your organization’s success? It’s time to confront the uncomfortable truths about our workplaces and take decisive action to create an environment where everyone can thrive.

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The Hidden Costs of Workplace Absence: Why It Matters to Your Business
Hayley Partridge Hayley Partridge

The Hidden Costs of Workplace Absence: Why It Matters to Your Business

Absenteeism is more than just an inconvenience; it can significantly impact your bottom line. In the UK, the average employee takes 7.8 days off annually, costing businesses an estimated £18 billion each year in lost productivity.

Understanding the root causes—such as health issues and workplace stress—is essential for creating a more resilient workforce. In our latest blog post, we explore effective strategies to tackle absenteeism, enhance employee well-being, and boost productivity.

Discover how prioritising a supportive workplace culture can lead to significant benefits for your organisation.

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Can Science Really Solve Your Office Conflicts?
Dr. Humphrey Simmons Dr. Humphrey Simmons

Can Science Really Solve Your Office Conflicts?

Workplace conflict: a costly reality or an untapped opportunity? Science reveals it's both. With UK businesses losing £28.5 billion annually to disputes, the stakes are high. But research shows that effectively managed conflicts can spark innovation and strengthen teams. Discover how cutting-edge communication strategies can transform your workplace battles into breakthroughs.

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Rewiring Our Brains for Change:            Overcoming Resistance and Unlocking Potential
Hayley Partridge Hayley Partridge

Rewiring Our Brains for Change: Overcoming Resistance and Unlocking Potential

As humans, we are hardwired to resist change. Our brains perceive change as a potential threat, triggering a deeply ingrained survival response that can manifest as fear, anxiety, or opposition to new ideas and behaviours. This resistance is rooted in our biology and the way our brains are wired.

Our brain's resistance to change is a natural response designed to protect us from potential harm. However, this same mechanism can hinder personal growth and organisational progress.

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Spotting and Addressing 'Bad Apples’
James Pointon James Pointon

Spotting and Addressing 'Bad Apples’

Team dynamics play a crucial role in productivity and success. While we often assume that a high-performing team will elevate underperformers, the reality can be quite different. A single negative influence can significantly impact team morale and performance.

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